Rules for this meme:
Grab the book nearest you. Right now.
Turn to page 56.
Find the fifth sentence.
Post that sentence along with these instructions in a note to your wall or on your blog.
Please post your quote in a comment to this post as well.
Marshall Berman: kapitel 1: “Goethes Faust: Utvecklingens tragedi,” ur “Allt som är fast förflyktigas. Modernism och modernitet.” (Översättning Gunnar Sandin. Arkiv Förlag 1995. ISBN 91 7924 0216)
“Ironiskt nog visar det sig alltså att den lilla världens tillintetgörande av Gretchen utgör en avgörande fas i dess egen förstörelse.”
and the next sentence – följande mening lyder:
“Ovillig eller oförmögen att utvecklas i takt med sina barn blir den slutna staden en spökstad.”
In English, this is the third and second sentence from the end on page 59, in: “All That Is Solid Melts into Air”.
I found this book meme at: Alexandre Enkerli’s blog.
En råtta kilar över rummet.
s 56 mening 5 i "Indien-en vinterresa" av Göran Tunström
(Jag behövde inte ens fuska..)
"Explains how you could have missed the modest little four-meter bronze statue of me, standing on top of an eight-meter—polished!—obsidian column, in the square at the very foot of the main stairs to the North Portico so that every single soul who ever walks through any of the Hall's public entrances will have to walk right past it at eye level."
Arbitrarily chosen by the pagination of a digital copy of David Weber's Ashes of Victory.